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Published by

Champagne François Chaumont
4, rue de la Pierre Aigüe, 51480 Oeuilly
Tél. : 03 26 52 79 60

Project management & Website design

85 rue des Huguenots
51200 Epernay




In accordance with law n°78-17 of January 6, 1978, the processing of personal data has been declared to the CNIL. In accordance with article 27 of law no. 78-17 of January 6, 1978, users are hereby informed that any personal data they may communicate, in particular by filling in forms on the site, may be transmitted to third parties. In accordance with article 34 of law n°78-17 of January 6 1978, the user has the right to access, modify, rectify and delete data concerning him/her by sending a request to the head office address given above, or via our e-mail address. We decline all responsibility for the use that may be made of the information published on this site. The content of this site may contain technical inaccuracies, typographical errors or omissions. Content may be changed or updated without notice.


Public" or "official" documents are not covered by copyright (article L.122-5 of the French Intellectual Property Code) and may therefore be freely reproduced. Information may only be used for personal, associative or professional purposes; any use for commercial or advertising purposes is strictly forbidden. Reproduction of documents on paper or in electronic form must comply with the following principles: free distribution, respect for the integrity of the documents reproduced (no modifications or alterations of any kind), explicit citation of our site as the source and mention that reproduction rights are reserved and strictly limited. All other content on the site is covered by copyright. Any reproduction is therefore subject to the author's agreement, in accordance with article L.122-4 of the French Intellectual Property Code. Graphics, photographs and multimedia resources may not be reproduced without prior agreement. For graphic creations and illustrations, requests must be addressed to us or to the rights holders.

Creating links to this website

Our website authorizes the creation of hypertext links to its pages, subject to the following conditions: no deep-linking techniques may be used, i.e. the pages of the present site must not be embedded within the pages of another site, but must be visible by opening an independent window, and the source of the content to be linked must be specified. Information may only be used for personal, educational, associative or professional purposes; any use for commercial or advertising purposes is forbidden.


Despite all the care we take to preserve the integrity of the official documents put online, accidental modifications cannot be totally excluded. The editorial texts have no official value and are only intended to present the activities of our establishment and facilitate access to the contents of the site. Links to other sites, private or official, French or foreign, are proposed. They in no way commit our company as to their content, and are intended solely to facilitate access to other documentary resources on the subject consulted. We cannot be held responsible for any direct or indirect damage resulting from the use of our website or other sites linked to it, in particular due to non-access to our site, malfunctions linked to the Internet network, or interruption of service for maintenance or updating purposes. Visitors to this site are responsible for taking all appropriate measures to protect their own data and/or software from contamination by any viruses circulating on the Internet.

Website modification

The editorial team reserves the right to modify or correct the content of this site and this legal notice at any time, without prior notice.

Personal data protection

No personal information is collected without your knowledge.
No personal information is passed on to third parties.


Electronic messages sent to our e-mail address are only kept for the time required to process them.

Technical environment

This site is optimized for display in 1024×768 or higher & mobile.
It is designed for Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome 117 and higher, Safari 17 and higher.